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Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning Works
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WEN has acquired - through our expectation throughout Indonesia and with projects such as Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Power Plants - an expert focus on Engineering Procurement Contruction of HVAC for Control Room, Sub Station, Main Switch Gear and Infrastructure Building. The work includes Cooling Load Calculation up to System Selection. WEN operates strictly within critical regulatory and standard procedures that contributes to the comfort, productivity and protection for people and equipment.


"WEN operates strictly within critical regulatory and standard procedures that contribute to the comfort, productivity and protection for people and equipment"


Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 39, Duta Mas Fatmawati Blok D1 No. 5, Jakarta Selatan. 12150



(021) 72790141-72790143


2013-2024 PT WIJAYA ENGINDO NUSA All rights reserved

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